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M.B.S. series 100 closed 4-axle vehicles

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M.B.S. LE 101


M.B.S. LE 101 is an exact model of the mail baggage car from series LE 101 - 106.
This is the only postal baggage car that was not converted into a power car in the 1930s.
Because the other five examples have been converted into powercars, they have their own series.


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M.B.S. 124


M.B.S.124  general freight car was created by merging two Newqida freight wagons (Chinese copies of L.G.B. 43811) that have been slightly shortened and modified, such as the narrowed second sliding door, other bogies and open mesh grilles.
The freight car was put into service as R.T.M. 296 on January 3, 2021. and was renumbered to M.B.S. 124 on October 4, 2023.


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